Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, December 05, 2004

“Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king -- STEWARD!”

Aaaaaaaargh! I’ve been so happy since it turned December thinking the Return of the King Special Edition DVD set was going to be released the 10th, and now I see it is not until the 14th. FOUR MORE DAYS I HAVE TO WAIT. “Muster the Rohirrim…” we’re storming all the stores until we find one NOW.

Okay, we’re not really. And I was dingy (as usual) thinking any DVD was being released on 10 December because 10 December is Friday, not Tuesday. I know better than that.

Wanna’ see a Panera Close-up?

I know -- fascinating, ain’t it?I’m not sure how far I am now -- I think I have two balls left.

How about this? I came to this link by a link from a link, etc., and, I admit I found it amusing. Yesterday, while Christmas shopping, I found this (and all my Christmas presents) at the bookstore

The back cover describes the plot as “fractured” and it is indeedy, but still fun to read. I haven’t gotten very far, though -- still knitting Christmas presents (the ones that aren’t books.)