Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, October 10, 2004

I dug out the Geek Vest (aka North Island Vest.) I had done a little work on it right after I returned home from the yarn fair with the requisite Tiur I purchased there. It turns out I had finished the first piece ribbing and changed to the needles needed for the body, so I don’t have to rely on my memory to resume, thank goodness. (Relying on my memory is a chancy thing.)

Want to see some exciting ribbing?

I know, it’s a Thrill Ride here isn’t it?

The color palette as written for this vest was burgundy, two shades of blue, teal, light green and red on a background of moss green.

I wanted to use grey as my MC, so I bought navy, purple, pink, fuschia, emerald and sea green as my CCs. I came up with two alternate color charts.

You see the only difference is the pinks and greens are flip-flopped. Right now I like the version on the right better than the left, but that may change once I start seeing it in fuzzy Tiur instead of on flat paper. Before my three-day weekend is over I’d like to work through the first color band on this, plus have my baby blanket edge to the half point and wind up all the yarn for Lisette.