Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Monday, July 05, 2004

Last day off! Did lots of housework (bleech) and took time to change these

into these

That is a great pile of scratchy, tweedy stuff that was among my auction haul of a couple weeks ago. (’Member that?) The nice old lady who owned it before me (her name was Bertie Simons and she lived on Willow Street) must have used a knitty-knotty to create those strange, conical loafs. I can’t think how else it would have been done. I could have easily used it the way it was but I used my swift to draw it into hanks because I wanted to wash it. I was hoping the bath would soften it up a bit and it STUNK like it had been in the basement for twenty years. Washing definitely improved the odor, but it is still pretty scratchy. When I bought this I thought it was wool, but I did a burn test on it and it seems to have a lot of acrylic. Odd.

This is also odd: putting the fringe on Lola seemed to aggravate my Carpal Tunnel (left) wrist. I think it must have been the way I was holding my hand while I cut the strands. It seems to be getting worse and I decided yesterday it must be due to Square Play. On that project, too, I end up with my hands bent awkwardly while I work the ectralac-ish squares. I really wanted to get back to the Lacey Tee, but since it is heavy I decided to return to the Mananita instead. Which means,

Today I was knitting along with Knitdad.