Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Monday, May 10, 2004

Three Camping Observations:

1. Peeps roasted over an open fire really ARE a Taste Sensation exactly as I expected. The sugar coating melts and hardens into a crispy sugar crust filled with melted marshmallow. YUM. (If I ever do start my own line of knitting patterns, maybe I’ll call it Sugar Rush.)

2. People who walk along hiking trails yelling things like “Hellooooo” into the woods and laughing at the top of their lungs at their own wit probably have lots of deep-seated insecurities.

3. There is every chance I have finally learned how to recognize Poison Ivy. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, on the Knitting Front, you may note I have updated my finished percentage on the Lacey Tee. I’m not counting the part of the back I’m going to have to rip as finished. I also got a very good start on the second half of the Camel Bag going, and the Mother’s Day Flower Pots were well received on all counts.

News today: my sister, who has given birth to three children in High Summer, is pregnant again and due in DECEMBER! The possibilities! (I wish I had the pattern for the Baby Surprise jacket -- I may have to see about getting that.)