Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, September 07, 2003


I just KNEW that was an error in the Strong Heel sock pattern and it wasn't me. (Marilyn recently mentioned it on her Blog.) I checked the Knitter's home site for the correction but I couldn't find it right away and didn't care enough to look very hard. I did note that Mar thought the Strong Heel looked like it wouldn't fit well. The first pair I made I gave to my pal Brandy and they fit her beautifully. Of course, she has skinny feet. I'm interested to see how the pair I've started for myself fit my duck feet.

My Strong-Heel-Socks-In-Progress I started this morning at the campsite. They are Regia 4 Ringel Color Farbe 5048, which I call alternately Clown Socks or Rainbow Brite. It is variegated within the striping pattern so one stripe is green and lime, one is raspberry and bubble gum, one is indigo and sky blue, and one is lemon and light orange.

I finished all the shaping for the second sleeve of the Ruffley Cardy and stopped for a row count before I started the cap. Aaargh. Something’s f*&%#$-up and I don’t know what it is. Wait, I DO know what it is -- I have 104 rows in my first sleeve and 102 in the second. I just don’t know WHY.

You may recall when I was working on the Cardy’s back and camping, I found a weird green spot in my yarn. I assumed I had gotten something on it, but I found two more this time. The first one was the end of a ball so I just cut it off a little earlier, but then the second turned up almost immediately after in the next ball. I think now they must have occurred during manufacture. It is still possible I got something on the yarn but it seems unlikely, especially since I was drawing from the center of the ball.