Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Aaaah, Bliss.

Not only does my Ruffley Cardy look so pretty and nice, but the Bliss Noro book with the Silk Garden Cardy arrived from Threadbear this past weekend. You may recall I bought a big pile of Silk Garden a while back from Threadbear for just that little striped sweater. Naturally, I want to cast aside every other thing I'm working on and start it right away.

Speaking of the Other Knitting, so accustomed am I to the formula "1 ball of Regia = 1 sock" that I got surprised by the Regia 6. When I was reading the ballband prior to beginning the first sock, I saw the manufacturer had noted 150gms for a pair of socks. Having ordered two balls, I had only 100gms. I went ahead and started (toe-up), figuring I'd see how far it took me and I got a whole sock. When I started the second sock, I understood why the recommended three balls: the pattern repeat sequences are so far apart for the Crazy Stripes that three balls would be necessary to insure matching socks. If I had tried to start the second sock at the same point in the pattern as the first sock, I would have had to dig halfway into the ball. I suppose I could have tried doing that, then taking what I had pulled from the beginning of the ball and joining it onto the sock midway, but why bother when I don’t mind non-matching socks?