Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

This is the lace pattern on my new store-bought sweater (I'm pretty sure -- I haven't done a real good swatch yet):

1. K1, K2togtbl, Yo, P2, [Yo, K2tog, K1, K2togtbl, Yo, P2] Yo, K2tog, K1
2. P3, K2, [P5, K2] P3
3. K3, P2, [K5, P2] K3
4. P3, K2, [P5, K2] P3
5. K3, P2, [K5, P2] K3
6. P3, K2, [P5, K2] P3
7. K1, K2togtbl, Yo, P2, [Yo, K2tog, K1, K2togtbl, Yo, P2] Yo, K2tog, K1

Repeat 2-7 for pattern, repeating [] sequence for width.

I think these eyelets and ribs would make gorgeous socks.

I'm having an unfortunately hard time finding the needle I'm going to need to finish the Bliss Ruffley Cardy (I know, I'm not there yet.) Super-long #3 circulars don't seem to be thick on the ground. What I find in my catalogues is upwards from $10 and I just hate to spend a lot because I don't think I'll need this needle Ever Again. I've about decided to order an Inox even though I hate the one I have (the "plate" flaked off both ends and is even now knitted into my striped chenille bag.)

According to last week’s TV Guide, on Stargate SG:1 this season, “Col. Jack O’Neill and Maj. Samantha Carter will get closer....” and next season O’Neill is going to get a promotion. A promotion, of course, may take him outside Carter’s immediate command and (I don’t know a lot about military protocol) perhaps make a relationship between them un-icky.

That said, Amanda Tapping (Carter) told an interviewer before Season 7 started that Carter was probably going to have a love interest this year, but she didn’t think it would be Col. O’Neill. And, frankly, has he really been bitchy with her lately or is it me? On the season premiere, when Daniel asked Sam if they had ever been involved, it occurred to me to wonder if the producers were going to go a complete wild direction and match up the two of them. Wouldn’t that be interesting?