Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Saturday, July 12, 2003

Didn't get the back of the Clock Vest done last night like I'd hoped, because I decided to take some exercise in the form of lawn mowing. (It's amazing what a person will do if she wants an ice cream sandwich bad enough.) I did get past the increase/decrease sequences that cause the triangular upward spread of broken rib, so I'm almost finished. For the back, I'm going to go ahead and finish all the pattern as written, then rip out at the end when I see how much extra length my gauge problem is giving me.

While I was mowing, I saw dozens of Wooly Worms. They are all bright cinnamon brown which, according to folklore, means a mild winter. It's also possible they aren't fully mature and haven't turned black yet. Who knows with Wooly Worms?

Very cool Twilight Zone-esque episode of Stargate SG:1 last night. Of course, I figured out that the people were sacrificing themselves because there weren't enough resources because I've seen Logan's Run. Still, you can't beat two cautionary tales at once: environmental disaster is on our horizon and beware of letting the computer take over your whole life -- you can be rebooted at any time and not even know it.