Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, July 20, 2003

I am just besotted with my stash. I've been sorting and rearranging and admiring it today and, I may be prejudiced, but I think it is the Best Stash Ever. Perhaps I shouldn’t admit this, but I have enough stuff here to keep me busy for at least three years. And that is not counting two years worth of socks. And all these miscellaneous bits that could be hats and scarves and totes. Two favorites: my Noro Silk Garden and Dale Sisik. They are both mohair blends and SO SOFT.

Working my way up the back of the Bliss Ruffley Cardy. Decided to compensate for row gauge problem at the waist shaping in this project with the same change I made in the Corset Pullover: I did one fewer set of decreases and increases. It was necessary on the CP because my waist was thicker than standard and, since it still is, the same trick should work on this cardy, too.

I like this Korfu yarn a lot. I was afraid a full-size piece out of sport weight yarn would feel endless to knit, but it’s going by fairly quickly. The cotton blend yarn feels nice to work and it looks really pretty made up. I checked Elann to see if they have any left and they do -- CHARTRUESE!