Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Really enjoyed wearing my Opal Remnant Socks around the campground this weekend. They are quite mismatched and looked pretty snazzy with my big ole Wal-Mart sandals (my dad calls those sandals Cheapenstocks.) After a long nap, the Sock Beast is once more active inside my knitting mind. I am going to FINISH the Dresser Scarf Socks THIS WEEK and have a new pair on the needles to take camping next weekend.

With that in mind, I rolled out my sock stash a couple hours ago and admired all my pretties. I've decided my next socks will be Regia Jacquard #5270 Blues-Purples-Black, which I think I bought last year during the Great Election Day Shopping Spree. It was a hard decision to make, but I haven't used the Regia Jacquard yet, just the Mini Ringel, so that's why I picked it. Also I have a purple tee shirt that I like to wear on the weekends.

Finished the left front of the Bliss Ruffley Cardy and I have an embarrassing thing to admit. I attached the front to the back with the 3-needle-bindoff Saturday night by the campfire, and when I held it up, I had attached it to the WRONG SIDE. Note to self: firelight is Not Enough Light.

It’s fixed now.