Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, June 01, 2003

I don't know why The Fifth Element isn't more widely acknowledged as one of the Funnest Movies Ever. I mean, c'mon: Bruce Willis doing his patented Die Hard routine in a hyperactive, overbright sci-fi world where every scene is colored like a comic book and all the clothes are designed by Jean Paul Gaultier? And, it KILLS me. I love the opening scene, where the WWI-era archeologist turns and finds an eight-foot-tall, armor-plated alien staring down at him and, stunned, the archeologist stammers, “Are you German?” And the alien just shakes his head. And then, later, the space ship blows up, and the doctor announces there is one survivor. The General looks down at the gloved, disembodied hand and says, “You call that a survivor?”

Of course the end (“I don’t know love”) is a little dumb. And what makes Bruce Willis think he deserves the Perfect Woman anyway?

Same old thing on the knitting front. Working on Corset Pullover’s second sleeve and, now that I am past the heel on the Dresser Scarf Sock, it is good for internet knitting. Two swatches in progress: a pattern swatch for an original design idea and swatch with color-work for the Indian Floral Vest. The Vest swatch will later be washed so I can see the fulfillment of this beautiful dream I have where I dunk all that red and gold cotton in a soapy bath and the color stays true and there is no “migration” whatsoever. It really is a beautiful dream.