Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, May 18, 2003

I forgot to record here my deliberations on the Jailbird Cardy finishing. As I inspected the inside of the steeked edges down the front after I pulled it out of the dryer, it occurred to me that I could trim the ends close and crochet an edge over them, then whipstitch that edge down. I did a few experiments and, frankly, I still like the idea, but I decided not to use it on the striped sweater. I thought the solid color edge would be too noticeable. Also, I realized that a nice grosgrain ribbon facing would be more in keeping with the Retro-Prep theme of the design. For buttons, I decided on some genuine vintage faux-bone buttons from the stash I inherited from my husband’s grandmother. In the end, all that went wrong is that the bottom edge still curls up. I think it is actually because my cast-on edge is a hair too tight. Need to remember that in future.

SciFi TV Reality Note: Michael Shanks (Stargate's Daniel Jackson) and Lexa Doig (Andromeda!) are engaged.

Watched The Making of Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron on HBO this morning because I'm fascinated by animation. They described a horse as an animator's worst nightmare. All their artists studied horses for months with a dozen experts on horse anatomy and psychology. Don't you think at least one of those experts could have told them that horses slurp water, they don't lap it like a dog?