Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Have spent most of the last couple of days working my way through the sack of disposal novels I bought at the secondhand-paperback store last week -- taking it a little easy on my sore arm. For a change of knitting pace, however, I did make some progress on the first of my long-neglected Dresser Scarf Socks.

The Corset Pullover did an odd thing: one side of the neck came out three rows longer than the other side -- more than usual. All of the decreases at the armholes and the insides of the neck match, so it must because of the short-row shaping at the shoulder (on one side shaping began on the RS, and on the other, the WS). I can't leave it -- I did the back to match and one seam on the front of one shoulder and one seam at the back of the other is going to be too noticeable. As soon as I fix that, I’ll have the front and back and one sleeve done. I wonder if there is any chance I can have this done to wear on Saturday?