Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Monday, July 07, 2003

Crap day at work today. I endured so many poisonous people just this morning it's a wonder my skin didn't raise up all over boils. But now I am home with my knitting and my sweetie-pie husband and the Cubs are on TV and I feel fine again.

Once I got the shoulders and the sides seamed yesterday, I tried on the Corset Pullover. I AM SO HAPPY with the way this is turning out. The whole time I’ve been working on it, I’ve been afraid it would look awful on me. It’s just not a subtle design -- it would be so easy to come off silly. However, I love it. I tried it on sans sleeves and it actually makes a good tank. I’m toying with idea of leaving it that way for a while and then sewing the sleeves in once autumn starts to come around. (It is 90 degrees and above almost constantly here now.)