Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Saturday, July 05, 2003

Decided to haul my ass out of denial and just prewash the Cotton Fleece for the Indian Floral Vest. I made nice hanks out of it with my yarn swift and will ball it back up when it dries. Given past experience with bleeding blue, I was also a little concerned with the blue and white for the Sashiko Jacket. When I wrote to Nordic Fiber Arts, she replied that she was not aware of any problems with runny Rauma.

I have remarked here before that my cat is not one for climbing all over the knitting. Having observed her ways for over a year now, I have concluded that she simply prefers to recline on smooth surfaces. If the bed is made up with the fuzzy blanket, she won’t sit on it; if it is made up with the quilt she will. She has no interest in all the knitted pieces constantly lying around, but this morning I spread some cotton batik fabric out on the floor and, by the time I grabbed the measuring tape and turned back, she was stretched out in the middle of it. Her favorite place to sleep is the bed in the Room of Cast-Off Furniture, which has a bare mattress. So, Lana, I guess “respectful” was the wrong word. “Disdainful” is probably a better one.