Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Internet knitting (when I can get on-line) now is Just Plain Swatches. I have 20 balls of wool I bought from eBay last year (provenance unknown -- the language on the labels may be Chinese. Or Korean. Or .....) It's a gray-green-brown color that defies description and, although the color is better once it's made up, I still think it would benefit from serious overdyeing. Hence, the swatches. I figured I'd turn one ball into as many swatches as it makes and open up a Mad Scientist's Dyeing Kitchen here sometime.

At the risk of sounding like a gadget-obsessed KnitDweeb, I bought a handy thing a week or so ago. It’s called a Page-Up. I got it at Waldenbooks where they had it displayed as a note holder, but it is great for holding up a knit pattern so I can refer to it while I’m working. It’s been a lifesaver on this Corset Pullover since I have to look at the directions A LOT and I don’t like having to drop the work to pick up the pages.

Buffy party tonight!