Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Saturday, February 22, 2003

Here’s a depressing sentence: “With smaller needles and A, cast on 216 sts.” I did it, though; all 216 of those babies are on the needles. Now that I have both sleeves and a good start to the body of the Jailbird Cardy done, I think I will take a break and make some Feets. I wound the Blue Flannel Lamb’s Pride into balls this morning and I hope to get these Feets done tout de suite. They are for someone with a small foot so they should go even faster than the first pair.

There used to be a chart online to estimate someone’s foot length (for making socks) by using his or her shoe size. It seems to be gone. I did find one that is similar in concept, but more comprehensive in scope at Fibergypsy, and a converse chart: finding shoe size using foot length.

Enjoyed the Brand-New SciFi Original Stargate episode last night. Leave it to my husband to bring this up: “How come everyone they meet speaks English?” Unfortunately, it is a legitimate point. Only the Asgard have any reason to know the English language and yet there is only rarely a language barrier to be confronted. As far as I know, all the humans that populate the other worlds of Stargate were taken there from Earth in ancient times. Last night’s people were a perfect example. They were descendents of ancient Celts. Shouldn’t they be speaking some derivative of Gaelic? I imagine that, unlike Star Trek, where they explained it all with two words (“Universal Translator,”) the Stargate folks just decided not to worry about it. It IS a more relaxed approach.

Just checked in on said husband. He’s spent the whole afternoon playing Pharoah. He said so far none of his Ancient Egyption society has been turned into slaves by the Gou’uld and transported to another world by way of a Stargate. How odd.