Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Is there anything more fun than opening the mailbox and finding yarn inside? I submit that there is NOT. My Lamb's Pride worsted came this week from Threadbear, wrapped up inside the USPS box in lilac and purple tissue paper just like a present. I have seen Lamb's Pride before but this is the first time I've really studied it. I think 15% is just enough mohair to make it nice and soft without being real fuzzy. I'm so excited to start some more Feets. I think I'm going to make the Blue Flannel ones first and use what's left to accent the Fuchsia pair that I'm making for myself.

After I finished the first sleeve of the Retro-Prep Jailbird cardy Sunday night, I had hoped to get started on the body. Unfortunately, when I opened the Knitting Treasure Chest to get needles, I discovered that I didn't have a long circular #6. Is that not bizarre? How on earth did this happen? So, I started on the second sleeve, and then, Monday, I had to go to WAL-MART and buy a BOYE. Of course, the second sleeve is now nearly done, but that leaves the big piece for last, which I don't like.

Speaking of odd knitting things, how did I not find the Odd-Ball Sampler Afghan until now? I think I'm not spending enough time on the Internet.

I need 7 hanks of Berroco Glace in the worst way.