Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Finished knitting the red Feets. I haven't yet had time to felt them and give this process the attention it deserves, but I am off work tomorrow. (One of the joys of working for the government in the Land of Lincoln.) So, Lincoln's birthday is Felting Day. Hooray!

Other than that, I'm mostly finishing things up around here. The second sleeve of the Homespun pullover is done -- hope to get it sewed up tomorrow -- shouldn't take too long. I was going to reinforce the handle of my patchwork tote with some cord run through the garter stitch, but I decided Sunday that since I wanted to actually USE this tote in the twenty-first century, I'd better just tie a knot in the handle. Then I did it. An FO! Will have the heel done on the Opal internet sock 2 by bedtime tonight.

Then, sometime tomorrow, I’m starting something NEW! I decided Saturday I wanted a light cardy to wear as a spring jacket AND I wanted to make it out of stash yarn, so I chose the Retro-Prep Cardigan from Fall 2002 Interweave Knits in stripes of Black, Fisherman (cream,) and Wheat (cream with black and brown flecks.) I think these neutral stripes will look particularly good with floral print skirts. And, STEEKING. Oh joy, oh knitting fun.

Entertaining Stargates last night, plus a bonus in the form of one of my favorite actresses: Musetta Vander. In addition to being Teal’c’s lost love, Musetta Vander was the She-Mantis science teacher on Buffy, and appeared as one of the Sirens in O Brother, Where Art Thou? This is how you get from John Turturro to Buffy in one easy step. (Six Degrees of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is way more fun than that Kevin Bacon game.)