Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I can't believe I'm actually on-line! My husband has been completely monopolizing our internet connection the last few days, reading Sports News and the Cubs Boards, but he's watching Sports Center on TV right now so I snuck in. (Greg Maddux is a Cub again -- Woo Hoo! Should I mention my husband thought a three-year contract was too long? He should be the Cubs GM -- he’s ruthless.)

Since I was here last, I finished and shrunk the first sleeve of Core. It was right-O, so I commenced the second. Almost done, started the cap shaping about an hour ago. Also almost done with the first side of the Camel Bag, but, I confess, I HATE loop stitch. My loop stitch rows seem to last Five Hundred Years. I'm actually in the middle of a loop stitch row right now -- I put the piece away that way.

Still having trouble with Cotton Torque and I've tried a lot of different things to tamp it down: drawing from the outside of the ball, slinging the ball into a yarn bra, etc. Mostly, just keeping the balls small works best, but it makes for a lot of ends.