Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Eeek! It's almost Christmas. I had planned only a very little bit of Christmas knitting and somehow I am still getting close to running out of time.

I have to finish the egg cozies. All the food for the goody basket arrived this week and I found the perfect decorative box to put it all in. (I wish I could find some egg cups.) I have to make a pair of snow-white mittens for a four-year-old to put with a copy of The Mitten, which should be arriving from Amazon any time now. This is the sweetest book -- I have bought it before as a gift for one of my nephews. I wanted to buy it for Braden particularly because it is based on a Ukrainian folk tale. He came to the U.S. from the Ukraine, adopted by our good friends, and his mother likes for him to have Ukrainian things. AND, lastly, I need to do the last bit of finishing on the Booga Bag #1, because I’ve decided to give it to my mother-in-law. Actually, I could do all this in no time if it wasn’t for the other stuff I have to do.

Oh yes -- I finished and felted my French Market Bag. It was an almost-complete success. My yarn felted shorter than the model yarn so my handles are a bit too short. My color scheme is fine, but the three bands of red colors from pink to midtone to dark look a little more Gap than I would have liked. I’m thinking about adding something -- embroidery (I do love the embroidery) or beadwork if the materials won’t cost me an arm and a leg.

One great thing about the French Market Bag: it is fashioned after a lantern basket and it sits flat and round. PERFECT for knitting out of -- which I am sure is what the designer intended.