Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Monday, September 22, 2003

Sorry I missed my usual Sunday post. I was busy lying around the house feeling sorry for myself because a BEE stung me INSIDE MY THROAT. (Important Safety Tip: When camping, drink pop from a bottle -- not a can. Not only do you have the advantage of a clear, see-through container, but you can put the lid on it between drinks.)

Finished the long ruffle on the Ruffley Cardy while camping (before swallowing the bee.) I'm going to ignore the instructions and go right to setting in the sleeves and sewing the seams next. I also intend to knit the sleeve trim ruffle in the round after the sleeves are sewn, instead of flat and seaming the ruffle as the pattern is written. I think it will look neater and be easier.

The new Knitty! is out and around. My favorites are Saity and Bpt, and, of course, being a knitting history geek, I loved the Hoover article and pattern.

Talk to you later. My throat is still sore.