Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

So, you know how nearly ALL patterns begin the armhole shaping by binding off about an inch worth of stitches on both sides and then shape the sleeves to correspond? I can NEVER sew this very easily and I often don't like the result. I now have a Bright Idea for the future: instead of binding off those stitches, next time I'm going to put them on a holder. Then, instead of trying to sew that flat underarm bit together, I'll graft it like a yoked sweater. Or even a 3-Needle-Bindoff could work well.

That reminds me: instead of binding off the shoulders, I shaped them with short-rows and worked a 3-Needle-Bindoff to join the front and back. It looks fine, but next time I need to remember to wrap my short-rows -- it would look BEST that way. (Of course, I’ll also need to knit in the wraps to hide them.)

It is probably obvious to readers of this blog that my favorite thing to do while I knit is watch TV -- particularly movies and SciFi. A strange consequence of this habit is that occasionally certain projects become really associated with things I watched while I was working on them. For instance, this morning my eyes fell upon the Corset Pullover where it lay drying flat and two things popped into my head: The Faculty and Tale of the Mummy.

What does that say about me? Do I really want to know?