Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Finished the Jailbird Cardy. Wa-Hoo! (There are people here on the Prairie who say Yee-Haw like the Dukes of Hazard but I'm not one them.) I don't like how ratty the cut steeks look at the neck where it falls open. I'm going to wash and dry it, then, after it does its fuzzy Wool-Ease thing, I'll decide what to do. Tucking in the ends and whipstitching the steek facings down is one option. It would have been better if the pattern had instructed to cut first, then put on the neck after the buttonband was on, but it did not. Also the bottom of the sweater rolls up. I feel this is not going to be my most successful project.

Front of Corset Pullover is also complete. I'm afraid if I don't finish this before I start Core, I'll put it down and not pick it back up. I'm nervous about the sleeves. I know I'm going to have gauge problems and it puts me in Avoidance Mode.

Also on the Done Page is my Magazine Database. I learned something doing this: I now know the difference between projects that I Want and projects that I WANT WANT WANT. This understanding is going to help me with the So Many Projects Only One Lifetime problem that (I think) all knitters have. The very first Interweave Knits I ever bought (Winter 99/00) had two in it that I desired with all my heart then and now: the Indian Floral Vest and the Sashiko Jacket. I’m going to make both of these before the end of this year. In fact, I’m going to make the Indian Floral Vest next alongside Core.

In Stephen King’s book The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, the girl (I think she’s eleven) admits to her father that she thinks Tom Gordon is handsome. Her father tells her that it is part of the genetic makeup of baseball players to be handsome. I can think of several glaring exceptions to this “rule” but, actually, looking at any nine guys on the field at any time, there may be an argument in favor of it. Either way, Hee Seop Choi is a big cutie pie.