Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Monday, December 23, 2002

Knotty, knotty yarn....

I have 20 balls of Adrienne Vittadini Trina with which I am making the Fall 2002 Vogue Knitting AV pullover (I think it is design #25). Of the 12 I have opened so far, 5 (that is 5!!) have had knots in them. That seems like a lot to me. It is a shame because I really like this yarn. It is 55% merino, 35% microfiber and 10% cashmere, VERY soft with that nice, subtle, microfiber gleam. It retails for just under $8 a ball. I won this kit at Stitches Midwest and the balls were packaged in bags when I got them, so I really think this knot thing is just the luck of the draw. Trina is heavy worsted and the fabric it makes is gushy and warm and feels wonderful against my skin. I am SO looking forward to having this sweater to wear. At 18 sts/ inch, it is working up fast, too. I now have the front, one sleeve, and almost 1/2 the back done.

Since I returned to the AV pullover tonight, I packed my remaining stripey Regia sock and yellow WoolEase glove into a bag. I thought they would be both be easy things to work on while visiting for Christmas. I wrapped the last present tonight -- the cabled socks I made for mother out of cinnamon-colored Mission Falls 1824. They were last because I still had not woven in my ends! I hope she likes them -- they should at least be very warm.

Another good round of Stargate episodes tonight. The one about the harmonic plants was particularly interesting. I really knew the green goo was an important clue, but for a while I was really taken with the idea that the planet’s inhabitants were being poisoned by the anger and hostility that Jackson and O’Neal were generating between them. I am a little tired of the Child In Crisis storyline. What does this make now, three? I’m starting to feel manipulated. Does this make me sound mean? Of course these poor children make me feel sad, but is this the only way these writers know to make me feel sad? Or is this the only way they can think of to develop their character’s “softer” sides?

I’m going to see The Two Towers tomorrow if it doesn’t pour down snow. Just say NO to a white Christmas Eve! (It can snow at night.) 8-)