Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I just passed the heel on Regia sock 1. I used OzYarn’s No Wrap Short Row Heel which is now my new favorite. These stripes are so pretty: bands of purple alternate with bands of lime, true blue, teal, and lilac.

Here are my reviews of last night's Movie Rentals:
The Importance of Being Earnest -- WONDERFUL music. Was it a musical? No.
The Cat's Meow -- This was a far more interesting movie. It is supposed to be based on a true story but confesses immediately that no one knows the truth. Was studio head Thomas Ince murdered by William Randolph Hearst during a 1924 pleasure cruise on Heart's yacht? If so, how? Why? No one knows the true nature or location of Ince's death, or the exact events that took place on the yacht or even who exactly was on board. Provocative, no? The story as it is portrayed here, however, is no mystery. Events lead to an obvious conclusion: the character bits are really what draw you into the movie. William Randolph Hearst is compelling and strangely pitiable, his mistress, Marion Davies, is spunky and sympathetic, and Thomas Ince is so desperately sleazy that, although he seems Karmicly responsible for his own death, I felt a little sorry for him. All the actors were great, but Eddie Izzard is a bit of a revelation here. I’ve never thought of him as sexy, given that I’ve seen him most often in higher heels and more makeup than I’d ever wear, but his Chaplin is pretty hot. And I’ve never really thought of Chaplin as sexy, either.