Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

I was off row gauge on the AV pullover in the most irritating way. I had perfect gauge according to the ball band, 16 sts and 22 rows, but the pattern gauge was 16 sts and 24 rows. This pattern was produced by Adrienne Vittadini for use with this yarn. How come the discrepancy? Now, I have a problem with the shoulder.

This sweater is a raglan, all stockinette, except that, at the bend where the arm becomes the shoulder, a beautiful wide cable pattern begins and goes over the shoulder and up the side of the neck. So, because of my gauge problem, the right length to match the front and back will end up cutting me short 2 rows of cable pattern. Of course, the two rows are cabling rows and critical to the look of the piece. I have three options: just not do them and live with it looking bad, rip back and start the cable two rows earlier, or go ahead and do the two extra rows and just work the extra fullness into the seam. I think, if the discrepancy were any more I would go with second option, but, as it is, I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the third.

On a happier note: Stargate is back! After two weeks of absence I can once again enjoy Stargate SG:1 Monday. Four whole episodes in a row, Whoo Hoo! Last night's selection was wonderful. Shapeshifters are so cool. And I was tickled to see a show with a Native American theme that didn't wallow in cliché. Was I the only person having MacGyver flashbacks when Colonel O'Neal was building the Super Energy Device?