Rocket Science

Space Is For Knitting

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Location: Rural Midwest, United States

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Here's a sad fact: I have completely lost interest in the Clock Vest.

The Ruffley Cardy is all done but the sewing on of hooks and eyes, and I promised myself I would finish the Clock Vest before I started something new. I picked it up last night thinking a few rows would restore my forward momentum on this project and I Faced The Truth At Last.

I really don't care if I finish it. Ever. I started this vest because I fell in love with the back. The cabled pattern was so gorgeous I just wanted it. I wanted it BAD. And then, after I knit the back (and I loved knitting it), I just didn't care anymore. Plus, the fabric is a little stiff. And this garment is really not my style. I cannot imagine wearing it. It all feels like becoming infatuated with someone useless just because he or she is beautiful. Inevitably the day comes when you say, "What the hell am I doing with this person?"

So, here’s the question: is there anything in this relationship to salvage?